Leading the Way in Graduation Rates and College Credit Opportunities
Wabash City Schools leads Wabash County in graduation rates. WCS also leads many larger districts in northeast Indiana.
Wabash City Schools offers more educational opportunities than any district in the area. From our highly rated preschool to our Early College High School, students can learn Spanish or Japanese, join dozens of different clubs, play more sports, and complete their first year of college when they graduate high school.
It pays to attend WCS. Our dual language immersion program builds 21st Century skills in early elementary. The Imagine Early program can put thousands of dollars in a savings account to be used for education after high school--toward college or career. All students can take the SAT for free at school. Wabash Early College High school saves thousands by earning college credit while in high school. Wabash High Schoolers receive more scholarship money than any school in the county.
Below you will find a calendar of WCS district events and athletic events. Visit each school website for building-level events. The most accurate place to see all athletic events is Eventlink.