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Staff Insurance

Doctor's Visit

Wabash City Schools uses our local INGUARD as our health insurance agent and Automated Group Administration is our health insurance carrier. If you have a question or problem with an insurance claim, contact our claim specialist at AGA first, and if you can't resolve it, then contact INGUARD.


AGA Claim Specialist - Dan Staples, Supervisor of Claims




Insurance Benefit Documents

Health Insurance Documents

Health Plan Election Form - you only need to fill this out if you are waiving coverage or changing plans. If you are keeping the exact same plan and coverage as last year you do not need to fill this out.


Spouse COB - you will need to fill this out if you have your spouse on our health insurance.


AGA Employee Enrollment - you only need to fill this out if you have not done so already and were not on our health insurance plan last year or you are making changes to what you did last year (Plan, dependents, spouse coverage, dental, vision).


Change Form - this form is for during the year and you have a HIPPA qualifying event and need to change plans or if you want to drop dependents.


HSA Enrollment - If you are moving to a High Deductible Plan from Plan 1 you will need to fill this out.

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