Health & Wellness

Here at Wabash City Schools, we believe in promoting optimal student health and wellness. Healthy kids learn and perform better in the classroom. The physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being of children and adolescents is directly related to their academic success, and their lifelong journey towards becoming healthy and productive adults.
Our school nurses will collaborate with the students, parents, staff members, and community agencies in an attempt to provide excellent, individualized healthcare to each and every student in a positive, compassionate, and professional manor.

WCS Health Forms
Allergy Care Plan- For anyone who has food allergies or restrictions (click here for form)
Diabetic Care Plan- For student with diabetes (click here for form)
Asthma Care Plan- For any student with asthma symptoms or who may need an inhaler at school or nebulizer treatments. (click here for form)
Medication Administration Forms- For any over-the-counter or prescription medications a student may need throughout the year (see medication policy in handbook). (click here for form)
Seizure Care Plan- For students with a known history or potential for having seizures. (click here for form)
Concussion Fact sheet- Info and fact sheets for parents. (click here for form)
Immunization Information- A chart for parents and students to understand the state requirements for immunizations (click here for form)
Health Care Policies- These policies cover topics such as medical procedures, medication, accidents, and other topics, click here to read our board approved Health Policies.