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Conference Request


The Board understands the importance of professional development opportunities for the administration and staff of Wabash City Schools. Therefore, the Board encourages the administration and staff to seek professional development opportunities that support the strategic mission of Wabash City Schools. Moreover, the Board understands that in pursuit of professional development, faculty and staff may need to travel outside our district as well as outside of the State of Indiana.

Business Travel Expectations

  • When attending any conferences or meetings on behalf of Wabash City Schools, employees are representing the entire Wabash City Schools Corporation. Employee behavior, including “after hour” behaviors should be a positive representation of the district.

  • Attire worn should be business casual, unless otherwise noted.

  • When attending a conference, all conference sessions for which the employee is registered should be attended.

  • When attending a conference with a group, “divide and conquer” in regards to session attendance when a variety of sessions are offered to maximize learning.

  • Failure to attend a conference for which an employee is registered to attend may result in being charged for registration and travel expenses.

  • All requests for business travel reimbursement should be submitted to the employee’s administrator or supervisor within two weeks of the completion of the conference or meeting along with the necessary requisition form.

Conference Request Guidelines

A Conference Request Form should be made to the superintendent at least 2 months prior to the trip (emergency exceptions may be approved by the superintendent). If an individual is attending a conference, the staff member should complete the form. If a group is attending, the administrator sending the group should complete the form.


The following information will be needed to complete the Conference Request Form:

  1. Trip Itinerary/Date

  2. Educational purpose of the trip: How does the trip support the strategic goals/mission of Wabash City Schools

  3. Attendees

  4. Budgeted Expenses

  5. Revenue Source (Funding)


All out-of-state requests must be Board approved. Please consider this and be sure to submit your request to the superintendent with enough time for Board approval.


Allowable Expenses

Travel: The location of the conference will determine the mode of transportation. See Travel Procedures for specific expectations.

Lodging: Attendees are expected to stay in the conference hotel. If the conference hotel is sold out, a hotel that is similar in price will be booked. Central Office personnel will make lodging arrangements. Employees of the same gender shall share a room, when appropriate.

Meals: Meals will be reimbursed based on the maximum per diem rate per the rates for the conference location. See Meals and Incidentals for specific expectations.

Additional Expenses: Parking and ground transportation at destination will also be reimbursed.


All reimbursements are to be submitted within two weeks of the conference. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of reimbursement.

Travel Procedures

Employees will use the most economical means available when traveling at the expense of Wabash City Schools. Additionally, employees will thoroughly document all expenses incurred; and will complete all travel documents and requisition forms according to the following guidelines. All employees driving a vehicle for business must have a valid driver’s license.


Corporation vs Private Vehicle

  • Corporation vehicle: A Wabash City Schools vehicle must be used if available when traveling for business. If an employee uses a corporation vehicle for travel, no mileage reimbursement will be issued. If gasoline must be purchased when using a corporation vehicle, the gas card within the vehicle should be used, when possible. If the card cannot be used, the personal gasoline receipt will need to be turned in with a completed requisition form for the employee to be reimbursed. When using a corporation vehicle, it is expected to be returned with at least half a tank of gas.

  • Private vehicle: When the school vehicle is not available, Wabash City Schools will reimburse employees using their private vehicle for approved travel at two-thirds of the prevailing IRS mileage reimbursement rate using the most direct route to and from the destination.

    • The basis for claiming mileage reimbursement shall be a point-to-point, school to destination, reading of the odometer, or mileage obtained from internet mileage tools. Attach any and all printed maps and/or mileage sheets to the completed requisition for reimbursement.

    • Employees who use their personal vehicle for travel will only be reimbursed for mileage; they will not be reimbursed for any fuel purchase(s) made.

    • If an employee elects to return home each evening, mileage reimbursement will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Meals and Incidentals Reimbursements

All reimbursements are to be submitted within two weeks of the conference. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of reimbursement.


  • Reimbursement for meals and incidentals during travel is payable to the employee upon receipt of approved itemized (detailed) receipts.

    • Alcoholic beverages cannot be on receipts submitted.

    • All requests for reimbursements should be submitted to the employee’s administrator or supervisor within two weeks after the conference or meeting. Requests for reimbursement should include:

      • A completed requisition and/or receipt envelope, including the name of the conference/meeting

      • Itemized receipts

  • Allowance for Meals Requiring Overnight Stay

    • Wabash City Schools will reimburse employees traveling for business overnight the maximum per diem rate per the rates for the conference location.

    • Tips are included in the per diem amount. Maximum tip amount is 20%.

    • One day conferences that require an overnight stay prior to the conference will receive the dinner per diem rate for the conference location. An overnight stay prior to the conference may be approved for conferences that begin before 9:00 am.

  • Allowance for Meals and Incidents (M&I) Not Requiring Overnight Stay

    • Wabash City Schools will reimburse employees the lunch rate per diem for conferences outside of the district that do not require an overnight stay IF the conference does not include lunch.

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