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Background Checks

Please read the background check policy first before proceeding.
Adopted 9/21/15


In an effort to keep our schools safe, all volunteers must complete a volunteer criminal background check request and be approved as a volunteer prior to volunteering

Volunteer background checks are completed on the school corporation’s web-site by the individual. The individual also pays for the cost of the background check. Costs can vary, depending on where the individual has lived - contact our central office with any questions.

Wabash City School uses Safe-Hiring Solutions and also checks the National Registry database for sex offenders. When evaluating volunteer criminal background checks, if the following charges appear on a volunteer background check, the volunteer will not be permitted to volunteer in our schools.

1. Any felony or misdemeanor arrest or conviction that has not been expunged.
2. Any substantiated report of child abuse or neglect.
3. Any misrepresentation on the volunteer request.
4. Any other civil or criminal charge not mentioned above, but determined to be a risk to students.


Volunteer background checks are valid for 5 years and can/may be revoked at any time. After 5 years volunteers will be required to complete a new volunteer request and the status as a volunteer will be reconsidered.

If a volunteer is not permitted to volunteer, he/she may make an appeal to the Superintendent of Schools in writing to be re-considered.


After submitting your background check, contact our central office at 563-2151 after 7-10 days. 

Safe Visitor Solutions.jpeg

Wabash City Schools uses Safe Hiring/Visitor Solutions for our background check service. We also use this service for our visitor check-in stations at our buildings. Follow the link below and choose volunteer, coach, or sub. You will receive an email when you are approved. After you are approved, stop in to our district office at 189 W Market St to receive your volunteer badge. Thank you for helping to keep our kids safe!

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